Thursday, September 30, 2010

High School

I can honestly say that I am so glad I'm no longer in high school.  Yeah, it did have its upsides but now that I look back on it I hated it.  I mean I had a really fun time and made a lot of friends, but the rest was crap!  It's so stupid!  Like having to ask to use the rest room and getting a passed signed to go.  And on top of the hassle to just get permission to go, you have to be interigated as to why you didn't go before or why you can't hold it in.  Obviously I did not have to pee before this class or I would have been late and got bitched at for that, and if I could hold I probably would so I wouldn't have to be getting bitched at for having a normal bodily function.  And who could forget all the high school drama!  "OMG So-and-So is dating This-or-That's ex boyfriend!"  "Do you see what she's wearing?!"  "He knocked her up?!"  You get my point, it's all about what others are wearing, whose shacking up with who, and whose dating your ex.  The sports suck!  You have absolutely no freedom and you're forced to eat the same disgusting food everyday.  Basically, I can wrap things up in three words: I love college!

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