Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just an update...

I am having such a hard time remembering to get on here and write a blog.  I don't know why either, I mean it's not like I'm never on my computer.  I get on to check my email, Facebook, listen to music, just about everything!  Well I have been pretty busy lately so maybe that's why this just slipped my mind.  I guess that means I should give everyone an update on what I've been up to and why this blog just totally slipped my mind.  First off, incase you didn't know last week was formal recruitment for all the sororities on campus.  Thursday and Friday was first rounds, Saturday was second rounds, Sunday was preferance rounds, and Monday was Bid Night.  That probably doesn't make much sense to those who didn't go through recruitment, but basically it was just visiting all the sororities and narrowing down which sorority you want to join but also which sorority wants you.  You would think this wouldn't take much from you, but believe me it was absolutely exhausting!  You have to do so much talking.  But I can honestly say it was well worth it.  Monday night I recieved a bid, or an invitation, from my top choice sorority, Kappa Delta, so of course I took it and am on my way to become a new member!  That's what has been eating up most of my time but there has been other little things, too.  I also recently met my boyfriend's family.  I was really nervous at first but I became more comfortable with them.  I had to write my memoir for English and study for my first math test, which is tomorrow!  I'm so nervous because I never understand what the professor is talking about, because he basically just reads his slides and doesn't explain anything!  And to top it all off I finally caught the cold that has been going around campus, but thankfully I'm now getting over it.  And with that note I better end this blog and study for that math exam and work on my memoir!

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