Friday, November 12, 2010

Annoyed, perhaps.

I'm getting just a tad tired of pointless 9am classes, especially when I just use it as a study hall or facebook.  Hence where and what I'm doing this exact moment.  Now I would pay attention in this math class if the professor didn't steal other people's slides and just read them, but he doesn't so oh well.  Another thing that annoys me is weird people.  I'm not talking about the people that have the small annoying habit they do, I'm talking about the full on freaks like they dress completely out of the normal and just scream out for attention.  I just don't get it, and it really bothers me for some reason.  Anyways I had a pretty good week.  I went home to Indianapolis Wed night and saw my mom and sister so that was fun.  And last night I played soccer, which we lost, and then hung out with some friends that came up from Indy.  Tonight is Twister Tournament so hopefully people will come since it's for a good cause: Brain Tumor Research.

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