Friday, October 29, 2010

Here we go again...

Do you know what time it is?  Yepp, time for another weekly blog post.  I actually remembered this time, but atleast I'm actually getting it done before class unlike the majority.  So what to talk about? I got my second tattoo last weekend.  It says "life goes on" and its on my wrist.  My dad just recently found out that I have 2 tattoos and wasn't too pleased to find out about them.  I really cannot stand being the youngest in my family.  Like it doesn't matter how old I turn that year, my family will always see me as the baby and that I'm incapable of making decision.  I've always been so independent and even lived in another country and functioned just fine.  I moved away to go to college and guess what, I'm still fine.  I really don't get home sick and I can tell that drives me family crazy.  i guess that's just what I get for being the baby.  What else is new?  Just the fact I've been so busy!  I'm about to be initiated into my sorority though so that's awesome!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Research Paper

I guess in this week's blog post we're supposed to discuss how our research papers are going, like our groups, possible  topic, how we're advancing on getting it done.  Well I can't really respond to that.  I don't have a group, we don't have topics, we aren't getting very all.  Well I do know that Jaavon is in my group, so I guess that's a start.  To tell the truth I hate working in groups.  I don't really trust other members and i feel like I can get to bossy, because I'm a perfectionist.  Well I guess i can think of some controversial topics that we could possibly do our research paper on.  This should be interesting since we can't  do common controversial topics most people my age have interest in.  So here goes nothin'...
-electric cars
-free speech and being able to picket american soldiers' funerals
-health care reform
-NYC mosque and ground zero
-border patrol in AZ
I don't know really this really confuses me now...

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I really have nothing to talk/write about right now.  I've been dreading this blog for a whole week, 7 whole days.  Well in all honestly I dread this blog all semester.  I never have anything interesting to say or atleast anything I'd like to share with everyone, no offense.  I've just had a terrible past few days that I'd rather not share, I mean it's bad enough when people keep asking me.  So what am I supposed to talk about?!  Perhaps how fucking annoying that my roommate's boyfriend from Purdue is always here.  I know I sound cynical, and I'm really not.  Its probably due to my shitty past few days or maybe I just have midterm blues.  I mean I'm usually really happy.  But on the bright side my birthday is on sunday, October 10, 2010...10/10/10. yay!  Ok I really have nothing left to talk about.  I strongly believe I've tortured myself enough.